Navigating Long-Term Care Options: Understanding Long-Term Care Annuities

January 11, 2023

An increased need for Long-term Care Annuities

As we age, the responsibilities and challenges that come with caring for our elderly parents can become increasingly complex. This is an issue that many people are dealing with today, as our population continues to age and people are living longer than ever before. With this demographic shift comes an increased need for long-term care options, one of which is the long-term care annuity.

What is a long-term care annuity?

A long-term care annuity is a type of insurance product that pays a regular income to help cover the cost of long-term care, whether that be in a care home or at home. The income is paid until the policyholder dies, or until the policy’s specified end date. This can provide a sense of financial security for those who require long-term care, as the high costs associated with care can easily deplete savings and assets. This is where a long-term care annuity can be helpful in preserving the balance of your estate (and your children’s inheritance). This ie because the ‘income’ payments from the annuity can be used to cover any shortfall between your current fees and your income (pension, benefits, etc.). Therefore, it effectively ‘caps’ your exposure to your current care fees. Although should your care needs change in the future, or fees rise substantially, the ‘income’ from the annuity may no longer cover all of the shortfall.


While a long-term care annuity may seem like a good solution for those in need of long-term care, it’s important to note that it may not be suitable for everyone. Firstly, you need sufficient capital (savings, investments, property proceeds) to be able to afford to purchase the annuity at outset. It’s also important to be aware that one of the downsides of a long-term care annuity is that if a parent dies shortly after taking out the policy, there can be a significant loss. This is because they did not live long enough to receive enough ‘income’ from the product to cover the initial costs. This is why some people are not keen on the product.

Ultimately it’s a decision about whether or not you think it’s better to attempt to ‘cap’ the care fees and give up some capital today to preserve the balance of the estate or risk it on the basis that mum or dad might not live too long in the home. The second option is undoubtedly attractive to many people, but of course, as we know, some people can spend more years than expected in a care home. And as a result, some of those that declined the option of a long-term annuity will no doubt see almost their entire inheritance swallowed up by their parent’s care fees over time. This unfortunate situation could have been avoided by taking out a long-term care annuity at the outset.


It’s also worth mentioning, what is better for the person needing care? A long-term annuity offers much greater security in that they will be able to continue to afford the fees of their care for the rest of their life. Without this security, there is the risk of them eroding their capital and eventually falling on local authority support, and this may require them to move to a cheaper care home. I have had many people call me about their parents running out of money and facing having to leave their care home of choice. Unfortunately, by then, it is usually too late. Sadly, this situation could have been easily avoided had they purchased a long-term care annuity when they first went into the home.

Take professional advice

It’s important to consider all options and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. As a financial advisor, I would be happy to discuss how a long-term care annuity can benefit your loved ones and if it is the right option for them. In addition, there are also other factors to consider, such as what government support they may be available and whether any assets they own, such as Investment Bonds, may be exempt from assessment towards the costs of long-term care. It’s important to take the time to research and understand the different options available to you and to seek professional advice as soon as possible. The earlier you start planning, the more time you have to make informed decisions and secure the best possible outcome for your loved ones.

It’s also important to note that demographic changes in the population have resulted in a growing number of elderly people needing long-term care. Governments around the world are struggling to cope with the associated financial burden and are likely to face increasing pressure in the years to come. With that in mind, it’s crucial for individuals to take steps to ensure their long-term care needs are met rather than relying solely on government-funded services.


In conclusion, looking after elderly parents can be challenging and emotional, but with careful planning and the right tools, it’s possible to ensure the best possible outcome for your loved ones. Long-term care annuities can be an effective solution for some, but it’s essential to consider all options and seek professional advice before making any decisions. It is worth researching and making an informed decision as early as possible.