Guide – Your retirement choices: how to generate an income in later life
May 19, 2021
Since Pension Freedoms were introduced in 2015, retirees have had more choice when they access their pension. However, it also means you have more responsibility for generating an income later in life and it’s important to understand what your options are.
Our latest guide explains the basics you need to know, including:
- Why it’s important to have a retirement plan in place
- Your different options, such as buying an annuity or taking a flexible income
- The pros and cons of the different options available to you.
Download “Your retirement choices: how to generate an income later in life” and start planning for your retirement.
It’s never too soon to start thinking about retirement. The decisions you make when accessing your pension for the first time can have an impact on the rest of your life. Setting out a plan now can make sure you stay on track, whether the milestone is just around the corner or decades away.