Planning for retirement
Julie and Stephen first became Rowley Turton clients almost 30 years ago. When they first approached Alan for financial advice, they had just had their first child, a daughter, and were wanting to ‘get their financial house in order’.
They had been saving into building society accounts but wanted some advice on how to receive better returns as they didn’t know anything about the stock market. They also felt, as they’d just become parents, that it was important to arrange Life Insurance so that they would each be financially protected should something happen to the other.
Over the years, as their family has grown and they have developed their careers, they have come to Alan for advice on investing for the future and their pensions. When Julie moved from working for the local authority to a private company, Alan was able to offer invaluable advice on whether or not she should combine her local authority pension with her new private pension.
As Julie and Stephen neared retirement age, their thoughts turned to retirement planning. They are both now retired, Stephen having retired three years ago, before he was 60 and Julie retiring last year, having taken the decision to continue working part-time for a time to help her employer while they were short-staffed.
In Julie’s words
I’ve always thought Alan is very professional. He’s a very nice chap too, very friendly and extremely knowledgeable. Over the years he’s given us some excellent advice. We wouldn’t be in the position we’re in now, retired and comfortable, without his advice. We’d probably both still be working.
One of the best pieces of advice Alan has given me was not to combine my pensions. My understanding at the time was that it was best to combine pensions but Alan said, “no, don’t” and it paid off big time. Instead, he advised me to keep my local authority pension frozen and separate. It was such good advice as that frozen pension continued to rise. If I’d moved it, it wouldn’t have done as well and I wouldn’t have been able to access it which would have meant I couldn’t have retired as early as I did.
We’re enjoying our retirement – we had four holidays planned this year and we’ve been able to support both our children. He’s given us advice on Critical Illness and Life Insurance and Inheritance Tax planning and advice for the kids. He’s always made sure we’re doing what’s best for us. When my children were young and I worked part-time, Alan told us to save regularly every month as that flattens out the peaks and troughs of the stock market. So, we always did that and now our daughter does the same, so this valuable information has been passed on to our children.
Knowing Alan is looking after my finances makes me feel very confident. Our finances don’t stop us sleeping at night. Despite Covid and all the concerns about the stock market, I’m confident we’re in safe hands and that our savings are invested wisely. I can’t recommend him highly enough.

We wouldn’t be in the position we’re in now, retired and comfortable, without his advice. We’d probably both still be working.

"Rowley Turton have provided decades of excellent trustworthy advice, first to my father, then to me and now to my children. I have recommended them to others in the past and would unhesitatingly do so again in the future."
Martin Sigrist
Rowley Turton client since 2015